benefits of soaking in the presence of god

The unity of worship gives me more connection with Him. I guess something really good had happened. It sounds really valuable to position yourself to encounter God with music though. There is even a ‘soaking’ sub-genre of worship music. Inspiring guided Christian meditation, instrumental music, Scripture and nature sounds create a musical experience that helps listeners enter into the presence of God. The first benefit of contemplation, or soaking, is that we are taking time to enjoy our relationship with God. In contemplative prayer, we position ourselves in a more passive place. "The greatest rest of all is the rest of perfect love." It encourages us to have a personal encounter with our precious Heavenly Father. However, God Himself delights in and benefits from our times of encounter and worship of Him. Ed Piorek has been involved in pastoral ministry since 1972. At His baptism, Jesus is not only immersed in power and love but He is commissioned into His public ministry. We found ourselves laid out between the couches and the broiled chicken with no desire to get up. We catch a revelation of the Father’s heart, His grace and His love. Soaking Worship Causes Personal Encounter. God has promised that as we draw near to Him, He will draw near to us and we will experience Him with us in ever increasing measures. Praying in tongues helps you to yield to that which is of God and overcome the desires of the flesh. Used with permission. I stand in the presence of God, and I was sent to speak to you and to bring you this good news" (Luke 1:19). Soaking worship encourages individuals to have a personal encounter with God. We can begin to define ourselves by our productivity and forget that we are the objects of God's love which is far more important than our productivity. Privacy Guarantee: Enliven Ministries will never share your e-mail address with anyone else. Since then I have experienced many more contemplative soaking moments. Allow people some different options in how to position and respond during a soaking time. As we know soaking music today it is a way of using music to ride into God’s Presence more easily. When St. Antony emerged from solitude, he had a significant ministry of signs and wonders as multitudes flocked to him for healing, comfort and direction. This is a good description of life without the presence of God. We just soaked it in. [3]. Just like physical and emotional health, it’s important to feed your spiritual needs with things like worship, too. We open our heart’s door and welcome Jesus in to commune with us. To be sure, God ordained in the Old Testament that his “presence” be directly associated with the tabernacle in the wilderness or the temple in Jerusalem so that people could speak of entering into God’s presence in the sense that they came near to the place where he had appointed his name especially to dwell or to … I now realize that the best word I can receive is one where He speaks to me about how much He loves me. As with contemplative prayers, transcendental meditation (TM), reiki, and yoga, soaking requires that you empty your mind leading it to an altered state of consciousness (ASC) or trance. [2] Whilst these can be helpful tools to assist us, it is important to remember that soaking worship is not about a formula, style, or method. My eyes were closed as I worshipped. We intentionally surrender and yield all of our hearts and lives to Him—and what we present to Him, He takes and fills. The next year John shared with me his vision for Soaking Centers. The presence of God they once knew freely is no longer free. 3. His presence is transforming me. The Lord delights in revealing the secret counsel of His heart; dealing with issues that need to be addressed and bringing wisdom to our situation and needs. I did not see anyone as I worship God. So as we worship together while holding hands Ive never felt so much love and cried with so much emotions in me. Upon returning I told my wife, probably with a little disappointment in my voice, that I did not experience a big visitation of God. Those who practice soaking believe that they are inviting the presence of God or the Holy Spirit but in reality what they are inviting … The more time we spend being with Him, the more we find ourselves becoming like Him. However, God Himself delights in and benefits from our times of encounter and worship of Him. Over the years of renewal, I have watched many people rise up from "carpet time" significantly changed for the better. ‘Soaking worship’ has become a familiar term in church life today, but what do we mean by it? Because this is a time when individuals hear from God, it is important to foster an environment of prophetic integrity. His presence had changed me and I was reflecting it. Henri Nouwen writes, "Solitude begins with a time and place for God, and God alone." Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. The wording "be still" literally means to cease from striving. It's nice having you around!" I don’t care what direction it is, if the presence of God is there. If we were to look in Genesis 1 & John 1. He is the former senior pastor of the Vineyard Christian Fellowship in Mission Viejo, California. After visiting Toronto, Heidi learned to soak in God's presence regularly. This soaking music experience, helps one connect with God, rest deeply, and experience relief from stress and anxiety. It means soaking in His Presence. Thomas Keating takes it a step further. I said ‘ Lord above it all ( the mocking laugh, all my pains, confusions, and troubles) I will praise your name higher’. 3. Revelation is often the fruit of soaking in God’s presence. I have experienced soaking not for long. In looking at “how to soak in the Presence of God”, when we are saturated with His Presence we find a place of grace, contentment and overflow. * FILL your mind with the Word of the living God! Here are the benefits of "soaking. Soaking Prayer: How to Stay Filled with the Holy Spirit in Prayer, A Vision for Prophetic Worship in Church Life, © Helen Calder Enliven Blog – Prophetic Teaching, Enliven Ministries: in the David McCracken Ministries family, Post on my mail 4 benefits of soaking worship and leading suggetions and other prophetic wsys of worship, Hi Joel, If you are interested in more on worship, check out my recent eBook, Prophetic Worship:Develop Your Ministry of Encounter, which is here:!/Prophetic-Worship-Develop-Your-Ministry-of-Encounter/p/69533503/category=9098596. Instrumental soaking music is excellent for your times in the secret place with God. Put praise into practice and watch God’s power work for you! I Absolutely Love Soaking in The Presence of GOD, this Always brings such a Healing and Refreshing for my soul, as FATHER GOD refills me with the Love, Joy, Peace, Strength and Comfort of HIS Holy Spirit. As He comes to us, we enter into intimacy with Him. To rest in His loving Arms. SOAKING PART 1 BY REVIVALIST TODD BENTLEY I believe that this year will be an incredible season to come up higher and go deeper in our relationship with God. • If you are looking for fresh vision and direction in life, soaking can bring it. The Psalms give us glimpses of the worshipper’s heart. Moses, the servant of God, had experienced the presence of God … We want to let the presence of the kingdom act upon us. Soaking worship is something that we can incorporate into our personal times with God. The fast paced competitive culture we live in often crowds into our Christian lives. The experience was just so intense. As we position in His Presence, our Father births His dreams in our lives and speaks of what is on His heart. After several days of intense ministry, I was standing beside John and Carol Arnott after lunch. She said to me, "But you are more peaceful now than when you left. The above are personal benefits to the worshipper. When we finally rose for the next session, we entered it refreshed. See more ideas about christian music, worship music, praise and worship. This is the prototype for every redeemed person. During times of soaking worship, we receive an impartation of the Holy Spirit into our hearts and lives. It is great to integrate instrumental music in worship as well. Soaking worship also has natural benefits. It is resting in the healing rays of Almighty God (Hab. Finally, true contemplation ends up with our receiving a re-commissioning from God. Thank you Rensu, I am playing the first one on the list now and love it! She added that the antidote for exhaustion was learning how to enter into a deeper rest in God's love. Compassion is the "carrier wave" upon which ride His healing touch and His revelation. Here are 4 benefits of taking intentional time for soaking worship: Taking time in God’s Presence to love, worship and appreciate Him as well as to receive from Him helps develop our intimate relationship with Him. Praying in Tongues Strengthens Your Spirit. [2] For those who are on Spotify, I have just set up my own ‘soaking’ playlist. Jesus modeled this place of receptivity when He allowed John to baptize Him in the Jordan River (see Mark 1:9-11). The Father spoke His affirming love to His only begotten Son loudly enough for everyone around to hear it. Heidi Baker recently said that a threat to ongoing renewal was exhaustion. However, by its very nature, soaking worship is personal. It is too easy to get so busy doing things for God that we spend little time enjoying being with Him. I’ve received several emails with variations of this question: “I want to be still in God’s presence, but it’s so hard! God’s Presence Also Fills the Earth. We stayed down while a river of the Father's liquid love washed over us in waves. I started a soaking worship youtube channel a few months ago. We do soaking with the other leaders in ministry of our church– mostly youth. We hear this from the Lord Himself in Numbers 14:21, from David in Psalm 8:1, from the seraphim in Isaiah 6:3, and from the Lord again in both Isaiah 11:9 and Habakkuk 2:14.. 4. It was like a loud mocking laughter and everything else have voiced down. When we started soaking in God’s Presence, we were committed — it was our appointment with God and we didn’t … Through reverent worship and prayer we make a place for Him. Support the EFC ministry by using our Amazon links, Resting in God's presence, or "soaking," is really what the Church has known for centuries as contemplative prayer. The first step of soaking is to stop what we are doing for a moment and create a space for God to inhabit. INVITES THE PRESENCE OF GOD It is the “good part”. He has already come. But, let me tell you, thank you, thank you, thank you!!! It shouldn't surprise us that a powerful encounter with the God of love would make us into more loving people. It has been a tremendous privilege and a blessing altogether to receive this type of information of this magnitude concerning the Kingdom of God!!! Things come much easier when His life is present with … It highlighted a few key things! As people have soaked in God’s presence, they have experienced profound heart changes. It’s time to come into the embrace of I just felt like I had to say that. Three people were lying on their backs near the buffet table, all with arms in the air, two with tears in their eyes and one saying, "It doesn't get any better than this! In the light of His grace and favour, we can open up the innermost places of our soul, where we have been hurt and damaged—and in that space, the experience of His love can heal us. His manifest presence supernaturally changes us into His likeness. He had become so radiant with God's love, that his entire being was his ministry." Any passers-by who peeked into the speaker's lounge at the 2002 Dresden, Germany, 'Father Loves You Conference' might have thought what … Thanks for the article. Soaking in His Presence Ever since the Holy Spirit fell on us in January of ‘94, we have been “soaking” in the presence of God. The above are personal benefits to the worshipper. He had become a reflection of God. Fr. ". God covenants to bring his presence back to his people. This removes all pressure from performing. * Includes Workbook … We need to learn how to draw from His Presence within us. 4 Benefits of Soaking Worship, with Suggestions and Guidelines, Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window), Enliven Blog - Prophetic Teaching by Helen Calder. Soaking worship can take place either privately or publicly. We can do a lot of things but this one area of our lives cannot be compromised. In fact, Romans 8:9 and other Scriptures teach that if the Spirit of God … In fact, paradoxically, the more we rest in God's presence, the more we find ourselves rising up to minister in power and love. Soaking In God's Love Resting in God's presence, or "soaking," is really what the Church has known for centuries as contemplative prayer. I remember the moment well because I was one of the three people lying on the floor. Their marriages have been healed, their fears dispelled, depressions and sicknesses have left and lives have … Later on the laughters stopped and the sound of worship from everyone became louder and the two of them are once again worshipping and kneeling. 6. God’s Presence Takes Up Residence in Every Christian. Soaking Worship Encourage Intimacy with God. I can’t seem to stop the buzzing thoughts in my head, and it’s frustrating!” or Christians have been seeking to rest and soak in the presence of God since medieval monks sought God's presence in the quiet of a monastic existence. Meditation and soaking in God’s presence is important to God. He is the living w… Soaking worship times encourage us to hear from God for ourselves as we open our hearts to Him. I fear no one! The psalmist’s opening words contain a declaration of confidence in the Lord during the most challenging of times: “The Lord delivers and vindicates me! Everyone needs to create space in their lives to be empowered by the Spirit and embraced in the Father's love. Contemplative prayer is a call to this resting place. Everything in me feels how wonderful it is to worship God, asking Him to take control and fill my life with the Holy Spirit. • If you are searching for an answer to a problem/situation, soaking can help you find the way. 3:4). This how to abide in the presence of God, by abiding in worship. gift that God has given to every individual. Here are ten benefits that follow true praise and worship. He then spontaneously lifted his hands to thank the Father, and as he did, the presence of God overwhelmed all of us. Recently, I took several days for a personal contemplative retreat at a Benedictine monastery perched high on a mountain overlooking the Pacific Ocean. Learning how to soak in God's presence through worship is one of the most valuable things we can do with our time. In Proverbs 3:6, it says, “ In everything you do, put God first, and he will direct you and crown your efforts with success. Jesus established the precedent that every Christian needs to take time just to receive from God. We set aside intentional time to worship and meet with Jesus. Soaking worship means that we are simultaneously focused on both giving and receiving. The music is a tool to help our hearts get on God’s wavelength. All it takes is a believing heart that will glorify God in the best and the worst of times! It’s resting in the knowledge that God’s going with them every step of the way. Our experience of God should always be grounded in His Word and these times of encountering God should always be balanced with times of Bible study. Healing is often released. • If you are hurting inside, soaking can ease the pain. At first glance, this appears to be a contradiction. Be intentional about creating a safe environment for people to encounter God. After the soaking, I wanted to ask them or anyone if they heard the laughters even I wanted to ask the two people whom I heard the mocking laughters from. Soaking is wonderful, and during soaking, you will discover and encounter a level of intimacy with the Lord that you have never known. Search for ‘Helen Calder Soaking Worship’ on Spotify. In Psalm 63, David expresses both his longing and thirst for God and his worship of God. When the Holy Spirit breathes on music it helps take you into an experience with God. Meditating on God’s word is the one thing that is needed to awaken your spirit and produce rest for your soul. Sin hinders everything now, especially man’s experience of God’s presence. I like the way Carol Arnott described it to me once. It does more for me than anything else. ", Henri Nouwen writes, "Solitude begins with a time and place for God, and God alone.". This outward movement prevents us from becoming too introspective and passive in reaching out to others. I can go to many places because His presence is with me. Creating a safe environment may require you appointing leaders to—on the rare occasions it may be needed—take individuals aside and minister to them separately from the group. There is something in our hearts and spirits that can only be satisfied in the place of worship. What goes on in the spiritual realm will eventually show up for our eyes to see in the natural. Being still in God’s presence sounds wonderful, but it’s such an unfamiliar practice in our busy culture. Those who saw him described him as balanced, gentle and caring. Copyright © 2007 They were all acting as if nothing happened. God had rescued his people from ‘misery, toil and oppression’ (26:7). In 1 Corinthians 1:28-29, Paul spoke of God's presence as a time which people speak with God: "God chose what is low and despised in the world, even things that are not, to bring to nothing things that are, so that no … In the middle of worship, I heard laughters from the two persons on my right. I hadn’t heard of soaking worship before. The Lord protects my life! When he left it, he took his solitude with him and shared it with all who came to him. It is not that we have to have the music, but it does aid us at times as a spring board helping us connect to the reality of His Presence. I spent my time meditating on the Word, praying in silence and walking while listening to soaking worship. Any passers-by who peeked into the speaker's lounge at the 2002 Dresden, Germany, 'Father Loves You Conference' might have thought what they saw looked a little strange. The Importance of Encountering God's Presence (1 of 7) Series: God's Empowering Presence Pastor Frank Damazio INTRODUCTION: The personal presence of God is not merely some "force" or "influence" that we seek, but a personal, real, life-changing presence of a living God who abides in us and dwells among us. Our focus is on just being with Him more than doing anything for Him. It is especially helpful during seasons when we have experienced weariness, dryness or are at a crossroads when we need to hear what is on our Father’s heart. What we call "soaking" is really what the Church has known for centuries as contemplative prayer. There we find relief, rest and renewal. Each of us encounters and worships God in a very unique way—and we also have individual tastes as to what type of music touches our hearts and connects us in worship to God. Contemplation is also the way to rest in God. But in grace, God steps in to pay the price.!/Prophetic-Worship-Develop-Your-Ministry-of-Encounter/p/69533503/category=9098596,, Worship speaks of the giving of our adoration, honour and love. The worshipper’s heart Weighed up no longer free their lives to Him—and what we are immersed in kingdom! Him described Him as balanced, gentle and caring, soaking can you. Soak in God 's presence regularly John shared with me His vision for Centers. Glorify God in the Jordan river ( see Mark 1:9-11 ) Father, and he received the anointing of way. In waves contemplation ends up with our receiving a re-commissioning from God for ourselves as we open hearts... Baptize Him in the presence of God’ ( 27:7, MSG ) floor at the Dresden meetings personal... 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