So, he says, in verse 14, as he speaks about the perception of God’s wisdom, he will now talk to us about types of men. Now, after this brief introduction, I want you to turn with me to the first part of our study, which is the prophetical passage, the teacher and the teaching promised. Well, I think it is very simply expressed right there, isn’t it? “I could not speak unto you as unto spiritual.” In other I couldn’t, Corinthians, when I came to you to speak the gospel to you, I could not speak to you as unto ‘spiritual.’ I could only speak unto you after you received the Lord, Jesus Christ as your Savior as carnal. He has to show us the errors of our ways and that we are all sinners in the eyes of God. So, the senses are insufficient. For over 30 years, Dr. S. Lewis Johnson led the congregation of Believer's Chapel in Dallas, TX. Over 25 years ago, Jeannette and I moved into our first home. After the healing of the demoniac, it was accompanied by the great harvest. It should be an incentive to us. So these are the ministries of the Holy Spirit to believers, and we are tonight to discuss the teaching ministry of the Holy Spirit. For example, if I were to say, “My eyesight’s not very good. And I would think that one of the things that we should pray about constantly is not only that the Holy Spirit would teach us the truth, further, but that, also, we would be cooperative when the Spirit does reveal the truth to us. Spirit-Filled Teaching: The Power of the Holy Spirit in Your Ministry: Zuck, Roy B.: 9780849915604: Books - It is going to be about the truth. John 14:17: Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it sees Him not, neither knows Him: but you know Him; for He dwells with you, and shall be … Now, I have stressed this because it is important for us, when we go to the Bible, to remember it is the word of God that is the test. My teaching, The New You and The Holy Spirit, is now available in book form, as well as in a CD or tape album. They won’t make certain mistakes that a Christian might make. But, before we do, let me remind you that we are studying that aspect of the Spirit’s ministry, which has to do with believers. Discipleship is the goal of the teaching ministry of the church. If you’re in this audience and you’re not converted, you’re a natural man; the Bible is nonsense to you because you need the Holy spirit. 6 Verlyn D. Verbrugge, NIV Theological Dictionary of New Testament Words: Abridged Edition, (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House, 2000), p. 141. We should seek to systematize the things that we have learned from the word. Verse 6, 1 Corinthians 2, Paul says. The work of the Spirit … Now, in the present day, we are studying things that have to do with the Holy Spirit and his ministry of gifts, and particularly, the doctrine of eschatology which we hope to study next fall, the Lord willing. If we do not have the ability to reason at all logically, we’ll have a difficult time with the Bible because there is a great deal of logic in the Bible. John 14:26 But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. And I don’t know about you, but I think that the testimony of most Christians is that they have not learned everything that they could learn about God’s word. If that which ye have heard from the beginning shall remain in you, ye also shall continue in the Son, and in the Father.” In other words, that which they have heard from the beginning is the word of God, that abides in them then they shall abide in the Son and in the Father. 9. Paul said: ...give attendance to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine. He doesn’t know anything about it. The Role of the Holy Spirit in Teaching the Bible. Receive our monthly newsletter with news and teaching from Andrew, via E-Mail. In John 14:16 read how Jesus describes the Holy Spirit: “And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever.” Notice that Jesus calls the Holy Spirit the “Comforter,” not the afflicter. To understand the Bible, we engage in the human work of interpretation; watching the grammar, the history, the culture and other things. That’s not nearly so important as these first two, but it is important. But even when teachers do their best, the only way for us to be ultimately blessed by the Word is through the inner teaching of the Holy Spirit. As a matter of fact sometimes from the interpretation standpoint, men can do a better job than some Christians because they know a little more about English grammar. So implicit in this is a recognition of the fact that there must be a cooperation on the part of each one of us as the Spirit teaches us. We pray. You’ll find the answer to a lot of your questions. He doesn’t belong to Jesus Christ. So, we are regenerated, we are baptized, we are indwelt by the Holy Spirit. 8 Functions of the Holy Spirit as Taught by Jesus. In previous teaching, we studied who is the Holy Spirit. Now, to understand the Bible, to understand the word of God, it is necessary for us to not only be subject to the teaching ministry of the Holy Spirit, but we have to engage in interpretation. And then, the Holy Spirit seemed to teach the whole of the church the truth on those points. It’s impossible to guide if you don’t get any cooperation. 2. The basic theme of the training is to teach what Jesus taught, that which took men who were And so, we speak of it as the baptizing ministry of the Spirit. From one point of view or the other, He is always bringing us to Jesus Christ. For example, the early church was concerned, primarily, about the godhead, the deity of Jesus Christ, the relationship of the persons of the Trinity to one another. When we say the “personality” of the Holy Spirit, we mean that the Holy Spirit is a person, not an impersonal object. Of course, teachers play an important role, as do apostles, evangelists, prophets and pastors. Number one, the human side. Change ). That is the teaching ministry of the Holy Spirit. Late in the afternoon, you’ll hear this terrible noise of the beating of wings and these millions of bats will fly out, looking for water and food. That’s where I first got my understanding of what that must mean. The first thing Paul says about the Spirit is that he searches. To know the ministry of the Holy Spirit and how to have a relationship with Him, we must know His functions.. Now, as you can see, what Paul is saying is simply this, you may think because I have downgraded human wisdom that in Christianity we do not think very much of wisdom. In other words, there is no aspect of the truth that is forbidden to us, but that the Holy Spirit will guide us within it. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. You need to be born again. The Christian is dependent on the ministry of the Spirit from the time of his regeneration until his glorification. ( Log Out / And since they do not have the Holy Spirit, they cannot understand them and since they do not have the Holy Spirit they cannot carry out those things. The Eight Most Important Christian Truths,, The Holy Spirit’s Work of Giving Spiritual Gifts, part I (The Permanent Gifts) », The Holy Spirit’s Work of Sanctifying Believers, part III, The Holy Spirit’s Work of Sanctifying Believers, part II, The Holy Spirit’s Work of Sanctifying Believers, part I, The Holy Spirit and the Gift of Tongues, part III, The Holy Spirit and the Gift of Tongues, part II, The Holy Spirit and the Gift of Tongues, part I, The Holy Spirit’s Work of Giving Spiritual Gifts, part II (The Temporary Gifts). The Bible teaches as we grow in grace we become led by the Holy Spirit and governed by God’s love. The Holy Spirit has been given to every child of God to be his life. The Holy Spirit arrives onto the world scene at Pentecost, with His ministry of transformation and as applicator of the redemptive work of Christ. And I think the secret to that remark, which is not necessarily true of every graduate we’ve ever had, but the secret of it is that many of them are taught by the spirit of God. The Holy Spirit is a Divine Person who is one with God the Father and God the Son in the Holy Trinity. I confess that I am in need of the Holy Spirit’s teaching in my life. Now, I didn’t mean to confuse you by that, but the Bible does contain syllogisms; fortunately, not so much of them. If they cannot see they are sinners in the eyes of God, then they will see no reason to accept what Jesus has … Effective teaching ministry is dependent on the Holy Spirit. Well, the need of that man is to confess his sins. Now, that should prevent us, in the early stages of our Christian experience, from being discouraged because we do not know as much about the Bible as someone else, after all, to learn the truths of the word of God takes time. And those questions of the deity of Jesus Christ were settled at the Councils of Nicea, and the Council of Chalcedon. 6: The Normal World. That means that a baby cannot be spiritual. And then there is the divine side and that is illumination. This word “teach” is the Greek word didasko — a word that is used approximately 200 times in both the Old and New Testaments. That ministry is the ministry of the Spirit by which he imparts to us spiritual life. In other words, he’s not trying to impress men with words of man’s wisdom. What is the verb? He’s seeking to bring to men the words of God, interpreting to men who possess the spirit, spiritual truths. They do not sufficiently look at the grammatical, the historical, the rhetorical, the logical, the analogical, the ecclesiastical, and the systematical side of interpretation of Scripture. Course: The Gifts of the Spirit (10 Lessons) A study of the Gifts of the Spirit in scripture and their relevance for today. [Laughter] She looks at that field, she doesn’t see anything much. That means that we must know something about grammar. And you’ve probably had that same experience too. I’m going to make it Christian in just a moment. He is the anointing. They might even, for example, not notice such a simple thing as the subject or object of a sentence; or its modifiers. Now, what kind of a person is that? It is the thing by which we test everything in the claims of men and the claims of movements. He doesn’t understand the things of the Spirit of God. Wives? The Holy Spirit. It’s just pitch-black darkness down in those caverns. Now, when I go to the Bible, I expect the Holy Spirit to reveal to me fresh aspects of the truth of God. And then, I think, there is another factor, which is related to that, and that may be that, occasionally, the Holy Spirit may not wish a person to know a certain truth at a certain time in his life, which he may wish the other to know. The Teaching Ministry of the Holy Spirit. That involves a defined process, but also we must depend on the Holy Spirit in every aspect of teaching: Bible study, development of the … Let’s move on now to Roman II – The historical passage; the teacher received. Believers, who are indwelt with the Holy Spirit, are also sealed with the Holy Spirit. The truth is the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit, the Gospel, the Church and the New Covenant. Now, all teaching is subject to the Spirit’s sovereign pleasure. We are familiar, I hope, with this passage. Is that unclear? Like the tour guides discussed in the example above, the Holy Spirit … God’s wisdom is understood by divine revelation.” That is why, my dear friend, that a scientist can never tell us anything about God with certainty because he is only looking at the effects of the work of God. The doctrine of the resurrection, the doctrine of the wisdom of God, the doctrine of saints going to war with one another, the doctrine of marriage and divorce, the doctrine of eating things sacrificed to idols, and so on. What can he learn? SKU: N/A Categories: DVD / MP4 Teaching, KIMI Products Tags: baptism in the Holy Spirit, children's ministry, gifts of the spirit, object lessons Reviews There are no reviews yet. One other thing, I think, that is stressed by this statement of our Lord is that since it is the work of the Spirit throughout this entire dispensation to guide us in the truth; I would think that that would indicate that we should not expect that his teaching ministry should ever end as long as we are on the earth. Now, notice verse 21, “I have not written unto you because ye know not the truth, but because ye know it, and that no lie is of the truth.” Verse 24, “Let that therefore abide in you, which ye have heard from the beginning. A number of our friends from church helped us move in, and we wanted to show our appreciation by having an open house after church on a particular Sunday evening. Galatians 5:22-23 says: “the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace , patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control” The last 2 weeks we spoke about love and joy, and today we’re going to speak about the peace of God! But, if I keep coming up with something unique and different from everybody else, well then watch out. See who the Holy Spirit is. Well, you call a doctor hoping that the doctor will be able to help. Now, that cooperation, of course, is ultimately the work of God too. As I’ve often said to you, there is no valid Christian experience which is not wedded to the words of the Bible. Rather, the pneumonic device serves to help us get a handle on the doctrine of the Holy Spirit in 1 Corinthians, especially as it relates to the Spirit’s ministry of illumination. And if you don’t have a Bible dictionary, you should have some Bible dictionary like, “The New Bible Dictionary.” It’s a good one to have. But it’s just not true! He says “He shall glorify me for he shall receive of mine and shall show it unto you.” What is the essence of the teaching of the Holy Spirit? Now, what is the spiritual man? Creating Stunning Character Arcs, Pt. You need more than that. But, he would guide us within the sphere of the whole of the truth. You must understand a little bit about what’s going on to really understand it when you see it. It’s something of a title. It may be easy to forget the Holy Spirit is even there because we don’t see him. The Holy Spirit is our power source, and it is through Him that we see miracles, healings, and more. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Then, later on, there was discussion about the Holy Spirit and so on down through the years, various aspects of the Biblical teaching have come under discussion and study by the church and often, controversy. 1. So any kind of teaching that glorifies a man, any kind of teaching that glorifies a movement, any kind of teaching that glorifies even the Holy Spirit is contrary to the Holy Spirit, for he glorifies Christ. Spirit-Filled Teaching by Roy Zuck is an excellent book on the role of the Holy Spirit in teaching ministry, written by a master teacher and Bible expositor. 14:16) Ministry brings us in conflict with a relativistic world. What’s the milk of the word? I do not expect that we shall ever, as long as we are living in this age, I do not think we shall ever have need to go back and revise the decisions of the Councils at Nicea and Chalcedon. If we go to the Bible only, then we have a book that is a dead letter. “And I, brethren, could not speak unto you as unto spiritual, but as unto carnal, even as unto babes in Christ.”. That servant is never given a name in that 24th chapter of Genesis, because, you see, he is an illustration of the unnamed person of the Trinity. It is HIS divine will that young people come to faith in Jesus Christ and find salvation through the Gospel and the work of the Holy Spirit to bring them to faith. He needs to feed on the milk so that he may become strong and be able to take the meat. Now, the Bible is on a wavelength that the ears of the natural man cannot hear. If you’ll see yourself as His apprentice and cultivate your partnership together, He’ll teach you everything you need to know to live successfully and victoriously for Christ! So if you ever come to me and I hope you get the attitude and idea that no one should come to you and ask you to have some experience which cannot be attested by the word of God. And when a person believes in Jesus Christ, he is baptized by the Holy Spirit into the body of Christ. If we rely on the Holy Spirit alone, then we fall into fanaticism and speculation. And he explains “For what man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is in him?” What he means by that is what man knows what’s going on in Lewis Johnson’s inner man except Lewis Johnson’s spirit? He talked about his master. “Ye are still carnal; for whereas there is among you envying, and strife, and divisions, are ye not carnal, and walk as men?” So here is a person, who can be called carnal, but it is a carnality that is not a natural carnality, it is a willful carnality. As you might imagine, that Sunday Jeannette was most eager to get home from church as quickly as possible, before our gues… There are, perhaps, some methods that we can learn that will be some help to us but ultimately, to study the Bible and to get something out of it is the work of the Holy Spirit in the heart of a believer. That is, we must remember that it is the Holy Spirit who illuminates us as we study the word of God. The Teaching Ministry of the Holy Spirit “But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God.For what man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is in him? We must invite the Holy Spirit into the entire teaching/learning context. “Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.” And so, we think of heaven then we shall understand those things. The kind of teaching that causes me to say “My, isn’t the preacher great.” There’s an element of man in that. Well, who is the person that the Lord, Jesus Christ has given? John, chapter 16, verses 12 through 15. Because of the Holy Spirit, we can have peace knowing that we have faithfully presented God’s Word and it is up to the Spirit of Truth to convince people of it. He also covers the ministries of the Holy Spirit and how they relate to teaching. That is, that we should understand all the truth. Warfield). Now, one other point we want to make before we pass on in verse 13, we read here: “Howbeit, when the spirit of truth is come, he will guide you into all truth.” Now, if you just read that one word “into,” you would expect that to mean that he will guide us into all the truth. But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. So we see that the Spirit has been teaching the whole of the church and the whole of Christian truth is not yet clear to all of the church, and he teaches us individually. Well, the spiritual man is the man who has the Holy Spirit and who has a measure of maturity. And I want you to notice first of all that our Lord alludes to the disciple’s limitation in the 12th verse. Remember, he said, “I will pray the Father, and he will give you another Comforter.” Later, he speaks about the “spirit whom I will send unto you.” So, the Spirit is the one who has been given by the Lord. Now, we also read here, “and he shall you things to come.” What are ‘things to come’? And so, we do not have then a promise on our Lord’s part that he, the Holy Spirit, will give us simply prophetic truth. And then, we are interested in the interpretations that other men have made: Ecclesiastical interpretation. The Holy Spirit leads and guides us, teaching us what we need to know. But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things…. They have not done their homework well. This is the “pedagogical” passage. Do you know what that means? But I have lots of things to say. The Book of 1 Corinthians that’s the milk of the word. Sure, it’s a choice we make. Well, that is a person who has been born but who has not grown. However, there is some unscriptural teaching around on this subject. And Paul tells us there are four kinds of men. [Prayer] Father, we thank Thee for the privilege of the study of the Scriptures. And I think that is what he had in mind. Your ability to do that could help someone else who needs to learn how to benefit from this coaching and instructing role of the Holy Spirit in his or her life. Discipleship is the goal of the teaching ministry of the church. What do you do when a person is unhealthy? Well, it concludes with a great expression of praise in token of the facts of the things that Jesus Christ has done; and Paul concludes the great chapter on the Holy Spirit by saying. They’re messes. “For what man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of the man, the Greek text says, of the man which is in him.”. As the Holy Spirit leads us, we grow and start to bear fruit! We think a great deal of wisdom, but we think most of God’s wisdom and less of man’s wisdom. His guidance in our life and this guidance into the truth is something that persists and continues and we never realize all of the truth. In John 16:13, Jesus said, “Howbeit, when he, the Spirit of Truth is come, he will guide you into all truth: for He shall not speak of Himself; but whatsoever He shall … And finally, his ministry of filling we will discuss. Now, they utter little sounds. The Christian is dependent on the ministry of the Spirit from the time of his regeneration until his glorification. 2016, Teaching Them to Obey in Love, compiled into 2016, Great Commission Mission, compiled from 2 books. We ask ourselves, “Is it in the Bible?”. Well, I think, this we can say immediately that the word guide suggests that our knowledge of the truth is a gradual appropriation of the truth. And so, in a sense, this statement of our Lord is a pre-authentication of the remainder of the New Testament. He’s a babe. And I dare say that most Christians today can really only take milk. We’re not upset when they have to wear diapers, are we? Howbeit when the spirit of truth is come; he will guide you into all truth, for he shall not speak of himself, but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak. Verse 27, “But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him.” So, the anointing. That is the teaching ministry of the Holy Spirit. By the way, that Greek word there in most of the manuscripts is a word that means “fleshen.” That is, great stress on the material of the flesh. John, chapter 16, verses 12 through 15. Fourth, we must be able to explain, we must be able to logically reason. “Another” means one of the same caliber, the same … Well, the truth that is encompassed in our books of the Acts — as a matter of fact, the remainder of the life and ministry of our Lord, as found in the latter chapters of the gospels, plus the Book of Acts, plus the epistles, plus the Revelation. We are regenerated by the Spirit. He is the Instructor, and I am the apprentice. He assures us that Christ really exists. Why is it that we may listen to a great teacher of the Bible and he will tell us a certain text means one thing and then a few weeks later we listen to another great teacher of the word of God, and he will tell us the same text means something else? The teaching ministry of Jesus surfaced; as the result, he went to all cities, villages, and towns to declare the Gospel of the Kingdom. April 13, 2016 Issue. ( Log Out / But to understand the Bible from the human standpoint, we have to engage in grammatical interpretation. That’s bad. The Teaching Ministry of the Holy Spirit By Rick Renner But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things…. There is no reason for us to think that all the light that has ever been given on the word of God has been given now. Well, he needs to grow. In His name. But, in our practical experience, these things take place instantaneously. The Personality of the Holy Spirit. It’s entirely possible that a little phrase here or there we might wish to modify. But, when we go back to the simple teaching of Jesus, he tells us that he has many things to say unto us but in the time of his incarnation, men cannot bear them. And so, they think of things to come as prophecy. I may be looking at you and saying “My, what a strange looking character you are.” And you may be looking at me and saying “what a strange remark for you to make.” No one knows what we think except, we ourselves. It is seeking to arrive at what is the mind of the Holy Spirit on the topics. (Jn. Now, the history of the Christian church is, as I’ve tried to point out when we first began this history of the doctrine of the Spirit, that in the early stages of the Christian church, after the time of our Lord’s Cross, the Spirit began to unfold certain teachings. In the Bible, the word “spirit” is translated from the Hebrew word ruʹach and the Greek word pneuʹma.Most often, those words refer to God’s active force, or holy spirit. But, as you can see, this is entirely human, grammatical interpretation, historical, rhetorical, logical, analogical, ecclesiastical, systematic. Can you clearly express the specific ways you’ve experienced the Holy Spirit’s teaching ministry? Create a free website or blog at So we must know the meaning of historical terms. He dwells in him, not as a separate Being in one part of his nature, but as his very life. And pervading all of our study of the Bible there must be spiritual interpretation. He shall glorify me for he shall receive of mine and shall show it unto you. and it’s good for you to read every book that you can read. What’s the remedy of the carnal, weak man, the babe in Christ? The Holy Spirit arrives onto the world scene at Pentecost, with His ministry of transformation and as applicator of the redemptive work of Christ. I do not think those decisions were inspired. And when a person becomes a Christian, and persists in his babyhood that is a tragedy. Now, by using that as an illustration, who can know the things of God? It’s not glorifying Christ! It is, in effect, our Lord saying, what I have told you in my teaching ministry is not sufficient to thoroughly equip you for the life that you must live while I am gone. He’s the unnamed servant of God. In other words, the things of the spirit of God may be there, in plain view before his eyes, but he doesn’t understand them. The Spirit did not come to convict us of the things we do wrong or the mistakes we make; He came to convict us of unbelief in Jesus. But, he also has a ministry to believers. All that a believer is called to be or to do, the Holy Spirit … If we are in doubt about the meaning of a passage in Paul’s Epistle to the Romans, and we know he has written something about that subject elsewhere, we are justified after we’ve investigated that passage to go to the other passage and see if that throws light on this one because we assume that the writer of any work of literature is consistent with himself. He talked about how great he was and how Abraham, his father, had given all things into his hands. “None of his.” In other words, if we don’t have the Holy Spirit, we’re not Christians. What we see in the Bible depends, ultimately, upon what we are, by God’s grace through the work of the Spirit. Sat down to look at verse 20: “ but ye have an unction the. Beginning now with the ministry of the word, for example also, I think genuine... Talking about our two months Old child guiding ministry of the Holy Spirit the... 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